
COVID-19 Shutdown Training Strategy

By Coach Justin

Outlined below is our strategy to providing continued fitness training, coaching, and inspiration.


As indicated on our posted schedule, we do not have any sessions available for the rest of this week.  We are treating our schedule on a week-by-week situation and will have updated online schedules for the coming week by Sunday at 10AM at the latest.  You may see immediate changes if we receive positive news.  It is our greatest hope that we return to normal hours as soon as able.  

The e3 Fitness Team just finished our training strategy for the days we are not allowed in-gym activity.  We’ve outlined those services below.  Our hope is that we retain you members in this irregular time.  Our efforts come from our desire to be that healthy catalyst in your lives.  The measures below are only as good as those of you who take advantage of them.  If the videos, sessions, and communication directed to you falls on deaf ears then its all for naught.  Let us be the much needed release in your day spent navigated the unknown, odd schedules, and restlessness.  

Our Strategy:

Daily Online Workout Videos.  Maintaining the expected formatting of your current e3 Fitness Focus Sessions, we will be demonstrating two blocks of exercises.  The format goes as follows: Block 1 x 3 Rounds.  Cardio Interval.  Block 2 x 3 Rounds.  Cardio Interval.  That simple.  Its your e3, as you love it.  Now for the workouts…

Each Daily Video will be posted on e3 Fitness Instagram and Facebook.  Follow us on both @e3Fitness.  

MAJOR MONDAY:  Addresses major muscle groups.  This is your BIG WORK day.

TABATA TUESDAY:  Alternating exercises for CORE and CARDIO.  :40 on :20 off for an hour.  Get some!

WOBBLY WEDNESDAY:  Stability training.  This is to challenge your little guys, those small muscles and patterns that keep us upright and solid.

THIGH’S THURSDAY:  Lower body.  Time to burn those legs!

FUNCTIONAL FRIDAY:  Tie it all together.  Full body fitness to move like an athlete. 

Weekly Movement Acknowledgement (e3 Leaderboard Status).Want to stay a Fitness Leader at e3?  We will be using our MyZone Activity Belts to monitor your fitness.  If you have 4 moves per week (with more than 30 minutes of activity in/above the BLUE Zone [60’s]) then you make the list.  This list will be distributed to our membership on our Monday Status Emails. 

Outdoor Small Group Training Sessions. Starting next week e3 Coaches will be offering small group sessions, outside, at various parks around town.  These sessions are limited to 3 Members per 1-hour time slot.  Workouts will be 45-minutes long and may, or may not, include use of equipment, natural terrain, bodyweight, and other creative challenges.  You will secure your spot in these sessions by booking an Appointment on our Mindbody Schedule.  ANY ACTIVE Membership can book these sessions.  We will host sessions at Wash Park, Platte Park, Harvard Gulch, Riverfront Park, and Jefferson Park.  

This schedule will be finalized by Friday of this week and will be set on a week-by-week basis.  We will outline details on location, times, host coach, and links for scheduling in an email Friday evening.  This is our best effort at maintaining your in-person training experience with e3 Fitness.  Limiting class sizes to 3 people will ensure our social-distancing efforts and allow us to fly under the radar for permitting.  

Group Activities.Can we say those two words right now?  Outdoor activities similar to our annual snowshoe hike, bike rides, group runs, and outdoor training events will be announced as we grow through this temporary pause.  Keep an eye out for communication on these opportunities. 

Virtual Coaching Sessions.Please take this time away from our consistency to address the little things.  Have you been battling a nagging injury?  Are you struggling with your nutrition as everyone buys frozen pizzas 15 at a time and want some feedback on your current program?  Have you self-quarantined and want to do a ridiculous fast?  

We are still your coaches.  Conversation coaching, be it via email, phone, or Skype, is a proven technique.  We have enjoyed the advantage of seeing you live many times per week, but with that removed let us dig in deep on the other parts of your healthy lifestyle.  Need help?  Email us:  We will divvy out the requests to be sure that each of you get the timely attention to your needs.  

The 1,000 lb gorilla in the room…

We want to serve you as our members and be a resource to you.  We also need to keep e3 Fitness alive with your participation.  Our intentions above are to serve you, as you invest us to do.  Unfortunately we cannot take the reigns on this transaction.  Prior to this craziness, if you showed up, we earned our bucks.  With the above strategy we want to earn our bucks but we need a little help from you.  Stay on these daily workouts.  They will be new every day, every week!  That’s something you can dig into!  Then work your way down the list.  Hit sessions outside as they become available, shoot us questions, and make us work for you.  Together we can stay sweaty until the doors to e3 Fitness reopen.  

Creating fitness leaders who inspire positive, healthy lifestyles isn’t a bullshit slogan to sell memberships.  Its the reason I wake up every morning.  Let’s go e3.  More MEPs in March than January or February.  Commit to it with me and virtually spit in the face of misfortune.  (Don’t really spit.  That’s messed up.  This thing travels in droplets after all…). 

Sweat on my friends.